Monday, July 16, 2012

July 16, 2012

Spiritual Abuse

Crispin Schroeder - thank you for sharing this, particularly at the juncture Northshore Vineyard finds itself in regarding growth and relocation.

Our faith is intended to be simple and Papa God's vision has been cast - love God with all you have, love those around you as yourself. Go and make disciples (not converts) and point them (center them) on Christ the Word/Son. Repeat. Repeat.

In my humble opinion, there is no "new vision." Christ set the direction and paid the price of admission to get on His train headed to the destination in His narrative.

Where I have fallen as a leader (role vs. position) and have willingly been led astray in the past is when someone believes a "new vision" is required to provide laser focus in support of a man or woman in their unique calling.

This should be the first red flag that is waving furiously as the Holy Spirit/Teacher/Guide/Counselor (the one the Word/Son promised AND sent) says "look out - you do not need to follow this person - Christ has a way for you."

Liberation requires risking in the veracity of the Spirit. There is no immunity apart from reliance on Christ the Word/Son. His sheep know His voice and He is not a ventriloquist working through charismatic men and women (favorite example is scene in the movie Joshua of the "tent healer" and his encounter with Christ via Joshua.

Does this mean we are lone rangers? No, far from it. He knits us together (I see His tapestry in many posts in this virtual community meeting place).

You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.

Follow His voice as He builds spiritual community. Submit one to another. To the community, not to a structure. Seek His voice to understand the difference between roles in serving and equipping and someone casting a unique vision and requiring submission in order for you to participate.

Love one another. Lay your lives down for each other - NOT for self-appointed junior messiahs would would have you buy in to the notion of spiritual superiority. In the Kingdom, there is no Jew nor Greek, slave nor master, man nor woman, white or black, democrat or republican.....

There are only His creation. Some have come to know Him and follow Him. Our mission is to shine His light for the unanimated creation (our sleeping brothers and sisters - the harvest is plentiful) so that they can be liberated as we have been.

Encourage, equip, empower each other, for the greatest of all adventures.

The vision and mission are eternal. Don't cast pearls before swine who would coerce and convince you otherwise.

When the Word/Son said "it is finished," He meant it. Believe and submit to Him. He will never leave you nor forsake you.

Crispin, thank you for your transparency, first as a Brother and co-laborer, second in your role as Pastor in our Fellowship. The first speaks to our equality as joint heirs with Christ - an even playing field; the second to our specific roles in equipping, empowering, encouraging and releasing.

God raises, we recognize.

If one is called to sweep the floor, another is called to hold the dust pan

God hands out the tools. We follow His lead.

The floors will always need sweeping, but God assigns the brooms.

Not man.

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